The fall of Cesar

Introduction Cesar is a “hacker” who is “known” on Kik for pretending to be someone that he isn’t, what I mean by this is that he goes around pretending that he is a hacker, and claims to be a white hat just because he “exposes pedophiles”, The interesting part that he does not just expose pedophiles but rather he abuses his trust with his friends to target people he despises. One of our main victims would be his ex which we will name “Stacey” just to protect her privacy. Stacey was 16 at the time she was dating Cesar, it was believed that Cesar was 15 or 16, we do not know because his age often changes because he tells a different story to everyone. Stacey was dating Cesar until she became 18 when she decided to end the relationship with Cesar simply because she did not feel like she wanted to continue to be in a long distance, online relationship and wishes to seek something that’s more physical and close to home. Cesar did not like this idea one bit so at the time of ...